CLUCKER Egg Collection Software

NEW Version 14 is now available (06/2023)

Our CLUCKER Software allows your staff the ability to electronically enter daily egg collection data

and various other information while collecting eggs from your trailers, caravans or fixed poultry sheds.

Version 14 now offers a password protected Administration page for management to be able to

Add and Edit Staff Names and Trailer Names plus direct links to the Data Spreadsheet.

CLUCKER offers the following Data Fields.

  • Current Date (Automatic Date input so zero typing).
  • Staff members name doing the collection(Drop Down Field so zero typing).
  • Can be customised via the Admin Page.
  • Trailer/Paddock name or number (Drop Down Field so zero typing).
  • Can be customised via the Admin Page.

Egg Data Input Fields:

  • How many Eggs Collected on conveyor.
  • How many Eggs have been discarded.
  • How many Eggs collected outside.
  • TOTAL Amount of Eggs collected (Automatically Calculated)

It also accepts information on:

  • Water Tank Levels with a Warning for ZERO Levels.
  • Multiple Feeder Level information with a Warning for ZERO Levels.
  • Battery Voltage Level Input field.
  • Hen Loss Numbers and their causes.
  • An additional Dead HEN Comments Field.
  • Weather Information Fields
  • Daily Tasks & Duties that need to be performed.
  • An additional General Comments Field.
  • The Management Link also records a Date and Time Stamp of the collection.

And the best part it is FREE to use !

How it works:

  • All your staff are given a Web Link which is saved on their Smart Phones.
  • Staff members enter the data via the Web Link when collecting eggs at each Trailer.
  • Once all the data is entered pressing the SUBMIT button will submit the data and display
    the staff member a confirmation page.
  • CLUCKER will then do its magic and automatically tabulate & store the data on a file server.
  • The submitted data can then be downloaded by the Farm Owner in an EXCEL(csv) File at anytime for
    further processing using the password protected Administration Page.

CLUCKER prompts staff to check Water and Feeder levels so no excuses about forgetting to do so.
Also, no more bits of paper or notes with inaccurate information from staff, it makes data collection so easy

and accurate.

You can use the following link to test CLUCKER:

CLUCKER Test Link (Version14)

The Username for the Administration Page is as follows:

Username: Test

Password: 12345

If you would like your free CLUCKER Software please complete the form below and we will create a
customised Web Form and send you the Web link usually within 24 hours.

CLUCKER Requirements:

  • An internet connection either via  WiFi, 3g, 4g or 5g is required.
  • Compatible with Android & IOS Smartphones.
  • Compatible with most PC Desktop browsers.

Conditions of USE:

  1. CLUCKER is free to use and does not have any limitations on the number of submissions.
  2. All data is stored and encrypted on a File server and can be accessed via the password protected Administration Page ONLY.
  3. Data is backed up regularly, BUT FarmTronics is not responsible for data losses or server downtime, so download your own data regularly.
  4. FarmTronics offers CLUCKER Software as is, but if your farm requires any customization please let us know.
  5. Once CLUCKER has been setup for your Farm, if it is not being used regularly and to avoid taking up server space it may be removed from our server.
    The applicant will be notified prior to this occurring and any stored data will be emailed to the applicant prior to removal.

CLUCKER Setup Request

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